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Hatha Yoga finds its origin in the yogasûtras of Patanjali   is also inspired by 3 other traditional texts in Sanskrit:

Hatha Yoga Pradipika, (from the 15th century Indian sage named Svatmarama),Gheranda Samhita, Shiva Samhita. 


According to Indian tradition, Haṭha yoga was born 5000 years before our era. Haṭha literally means "pooling the opposing and complementary forces" of the masculine and the feminine, of the sun and the moon, at the origin of the polarity of the physical body which leads to deep well-being, radiant health._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


For millennia, this discipline was transmitted only orally. The yogis practiced it throughout the day by linking postures, kriyas (purification technique), pranayamas (breath control), dhyana (meditation), sun salutation and yoga nidra (relaxation).


ASANAS (postures), PRANAYAMA (breathing), DHYANA (meditation), are exercised in turn.

In an increasing evolution, they are combined by 2: postures/breathing or postures/meditation, and by three: postures/breathing/meditation.

The practice of Hatha yoga favors a search for unity of all the physical and psychic modalities that make up the human being.

The practice emphasizes experimentation with complementary opposites, such as: feminine/masculine, movement/stillness, inspiration/exhalation, resistance/letting go.

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